Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Can you even believe it??? Snow in eastern NC? It certainly has been very beautiful to watch and play in. Our 3 month old daughter Olivia got to enjoy her first snow. She also got to watch her daddy peg her mommy with repeated snowballs or maybe it was me that got hit with so many that I just can't remember? Who knows? What I do know is we certainly had a great time and created some great new memories with our daughter and that is what it really is all about! Enjoy it while it lasts. Off to do some sledding!!!!

Todd, Heather, and Olivia

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

Wow! What a year 2008 was. It had it's moments of shall I say not so greatness. For us it was actually rather great. We welcomed our daughter Olivia into the world in October. She has truly been a blessing and an inspiration for Heather and I. We would like to thank everyone who made 2008 great for Alexander Photography. We really enjoyed meeting some new people and working with each and every one of you. We have lots of things planned this year for our studio that we will be posting and notifying about in the coming weeks. Keep checking back. Blogging is something new for us. We hope to keep things fresh which keeps our creativity and inspiration flowing. We hope everyone can continue to see the beauty in the world as Heather and I do. As I quote the great Jerry Garcia, "You get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right."
Your friends at Alexander Photography,
Todd, Heather, and Olivia